Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Today's Quote

Today's Quote

Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind. To be happy, rest like a giant tree in the midst of them all.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Angel Quote

The truth of angels is they have many shapes, forms, sizes, appearances, and duties. ...You will see angels as you need to see them. Sometimes you may see only a burst of light in a darkened room or a cloudy form around a person's body.

-Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold,
"Angelspeake: How to Talk With Your Angel"

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Divine Intervention

May 19 was a good and a bad day ! Our house almost burnt down, it was divine intervention and a few Angels that saved it.

Kira put a cigarette butt out in one of my old dry as of yet unplanted plastic flower pots ( like she has a hundred times before) at about 9 am and around 3 pm somehow it burst into flames, burning all the plastic pots dirt and all ( I had no idea that dirt was flamable let alone that it would burn like that) the table a bush and some leaves , suddenly exploding in my beautiful lilac bush, my cat had kittens on that table a couple of days before that , what a heart wrenching site and poor Momma Patchie the cat she keeps looking for them. We escaped smoke damage though, under the awning that almost caught fire it smells highly smoke damaged. That in itself is a blessing , because it didn't catch and burn. There was some workers working on a new water line by my back yard that is where the angels come in, one said he saw the fire then though I know no one is home, so he walked over to see what was going on just as the fire exploded into the lilac bush , and the flames were licking the awning . It only a second that he noticed and grabbed the hose and started to knock down the flames with it. The fire department arrived 15 minutes later after a few of the angels already had the fire out . When I got there it was all over but the crying. What a wonderful scary, cry laugh thankful sad feeling. There are alot of what ifs here but the ending is good and all is well. We are counting our Blessing ! I am attaching some of the pictures for all to see.

Pre School Graduation

Brenden Spring Play

This was so cute, they were singing Ole McDonald had a farm and he was dressed as a rabbit. Such Precious memories !
My camera was taking the darkest pictures it was crazy

Brenden Graduation From Pre School

Fire Picture's